Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kemaman, Malaysia

One day we took a taxi to an nearby city called Kemaman. We wanted to get a Chinese shampoo massage and have a drink at a local coffee house. Oh and do some shopping. We sat down at a local coffee house that must have been very popular with the locals.   After a big cup of coffee for Stacey and a Pina Colda Drink for me, we headed off for the shampoo massage. Neither of us had ever had this done and did not know what to expect. After an hour of scalp rubbing massaging, washing, rinsing, and drying we were relaxed and happy. Wait I forget to mention a face wash in there too. I could get used to this. For two of us in was only 39 Ringgits or about $12 so we left a big tip for the girls who pampered us.

Later that day the boys and I had a guys afternoon. We went to the beach for yakaying, wave jumping, snokeling, and playing in the sand. Upon our return we found Stacey feeding, monkeys Pringles and chocolate. She can't get enough of these monkeys and they even try and get in your room if the doors is not locked. I tried to tell Stacey not to feed them chocolate and her response was, "They are like us and can eat what we eat." Is there any proof to that?


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