Friday, September 24, 2010

Reep and Sow, Well Maybe

I did another vegetable garden this summer and it did not produce as much as I would have liked due to the prolonged high heat.  I didn't think it would matter, but vegetables are sensitive and without the right weather, sun, and water they don't grow properly.  We still managed to have melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, green bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, and serrano peppers. 
Stacey's way of encouraging me to make the garden look great was to buy lots of seeds since flowers are hard to come by and very expensive.  The seeds turned out to just grow grass.  Thanks Stacey.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


We could not pass up the few attractions they have here and we went to the circus.  I would not call it a circus, but more of a few performers.  There was clowns, jugglers, snakes, monkeys, dancing dogs, and dancers.  Since the theater was pretty empty, the audience was able to get involved.  We had a good time and it was nice to do something different.  I did not like the way the monkey was treated, but I have to remember where I woke up this morning. 

Sleep Overs

Cameron is on his first ever sleep over and it is with a girl.  The boys have never slept apart in over three and a half years.  You think they may be scared or unhappy, but as soon Cameron could go he was out the door in a flash.  Mason did not even care he slept alone.  They are growing up fast.  Tomorrow night they are bothing sleeping out.  We can get used to this.  And I am sure the boys would say the same.

The day after the boys are both tired and I had to make Cameron take a nap.  Then it was off to the circus.