Sunday, June 28, 2009

Giddee Up

I took Cameron horseback riding and he had a blast. He actually rode a pony and he did great for his first time. Cameron loves all animals and at this "farm" we even saw cows, goats, and sheep. The first five minutes made you not forget where you were since they wheeled two dead sheep past us in a cart. That is just how it is here sometimes.
I even rode a horse and after riding thought how people stay on horses when they are running fast. Practice I guess. Also look for the pics that show a sight from our drive home. Don't forget to click on the video.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Victory Park

Victory Park is small park in Atyrau, Kazakhstan with old war machines and a few statues to symbolize Victory Day which is held every May 9th. The day is honored for the capitulation or treaty between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union during the Second World War in 1945.
The boys liked to look at all the tanks, cannons, and airplanes. Of course they wanted to touch everything and go inside the plane. The park is located close to the pedestrian bridge which I took a picture of with the boys. There are also many benches to sit on and would be a good spot for a picnic if it wasn't 100 degrees outside.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Makhambet Square

This summer I am trying to see all the sights and sounds of Atyrau. That may be easy and difficult at the same time since there is not a lot to do or see here. The first stop was Makhambet Square. It is located in the center of Atyrau and a place where they host large events and festivals. It was built to honor two leaders, Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov, whom, over 200 years ago, fought for Kazakhstan's independence. The men are carrying a sword and the other a dombra. A dombra is native to Kazakhstan and is similar to a guitar. Like Cowboys, the warriors use this at night for entertainment. The boys liked looking at all the weapons and climbing all the steps.

I'm Ready for PreK

Mason enjoyed his time at the QSI School this year and he is ready for PreK. All the teachers just loved Mason especially the women. Mason has this draw about him that everybody wants to get to know. He marches to the drum of his own beat and does not care what others are doing. With all that said he received a Certificate of Achievement for Mastering the Alphabet. He has learned more than I thought and I looking for him to make a big splash at his new school in Dostyk next school year. No more taking a taxi everyday to bring him to school. Now it will be a quick couple minutes walk to school. YEAH!!! The last couple of days he ate ice cream and played water games. Not all bad for a day at school. Wouldn't we all like to do that again. This summer should be filled with water slides, the pool, and some school work. SCHOOL IS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

School is out for Summer

School is out for summer for at least Cameron (Mason has 2 more weeks). Cameron has grown this past school year and is excited about 1st grade next year. Cameron has improved in all areas of school and his favorite subjects were computer and PE. I will be teaching the boys this summer and we also plan on having lots of fun at the pool. Enjoys the pictures of Cameron's last day of Kindergarten.