Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas and Annual Shipment

I am putting Christmas and the Annual Shipment together because that is what it was together.
Every year Chevron generously allows us to bring over items in an annual shipment. We never pass up an opportunity to get things that we cannot possibly get here in Kazakhstan. We get 1,750 lbs of just about whatever we want minus alcohol, aerosols, and liquid bleach. You think that is a lot until you buy food, clothes, toys for your kids and all the other birthdays the boys go to, and all that other stuff you don't think you buy, but know you can't live without.
We knew we would be very busy since we had not been to the States for an entire year, but we had to get it done. We had around 50 doctor's appointments, 2 surgeries, both families come in, and shopping for a whole year's supply of things so we were busy every single second.
A typical day would be doctor, doctor, 30 minutes in a McDonalds or Chick-fil-a to let the boys run around, lunch, shopping, more shopping, regroup, find something for the boys to do for 30 minutes, dinner, exhaustion, and bed. Not our most fun time.
It was nice to see family, friends, and eat lots of good food; but you can't take any of that back with you. We hope for our sake and others that we can do a better job next time, but after talking with other people it does not seem likely.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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