Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mason's First Loose Tooth

Mason has been very excited ever since his tooth started to be loose.  He was constantly touching it and if you weren't talking about it he was tell you in a sobbing voice, "No one cares about my loose tooth."  His permanent tooth was coming up behind it and I got a bit concerned that he would need to go to the dentist and that would be difficult here so I encourage him to wiggle and twist his tooth.  I told him it may hurt a little, but that was okay.  He never complained about the pain and then a few days later he pulled it out.
The tooth fairy came that night about gave him 200 Tenge ($1.30).  Enjoy the pictures and videos.

1 comment:

George Quirk said...

My son's loose tooth also just came out weeks ago. And he almost freaked out 'coz he thought he would be toothless forever. But yesterday, he saw a new one growing so now he feels happy and relieved. =)