Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

This was our last Thanksgiving in Kazakhstan.  It was the best food yet.

Have to have a Turkey!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

All Packed Up

All the items are packed the boxes have left.  The only thing left to do is get on the plane and say dasvidania to Kazakhstan and hello Pittsburgh.  That is if the truck makes it.  Check out how many men it takes to push the truck together and with that flat tire.  I don't know.  We made it here with 7,500 lbs and because we are not taking any food back we are leaving with 4,500 lbs.  Moving makes me want to become a minimalist.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cameron's 9th Birthday Party

Cameron had a great party today.  He decided to have a swim party and do water balloons both frozen and extra large.  The indoor pool was very loud and I know that spells F - U - N.  After the swimming it was time for pizza and cake.  I even put lots of candy on the tables and all the kids must have had several each because it was almost gone before the end of the party.  Cameron opened up his gifts and I think Mason was more surprised by the gifts than Cameron (check the picture below).  The only negative is that the packers come in the morning and Cameron will not be able to play with his new gifts for a while.  Cameron is very understanding and used to the seeing the gifts now and play with it later due to the shipments we do each year at Christmas.  Happy 9th Birthday Cameron!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween 2011

Where do I begin?
 This year at Halloween was bit different because I was on a house hunting trip in Pittsburgh and the boys went around trick or treating by themselves.  I knew they would have fun and I guess trying on all the different costumes was half of that.  I assume you could guess the other half.  They have sure grown up a lot since moving to KZ.